It’s Time To Start Planning Your Summer Garden

Prior planning ensures good performance with tulips every spring.
Prior planning ensures good performance with tulips every spring.

Spring has sprung in the RootsLiving tulip garden. And for everyone who has to stay indoors today, here’s a little sunshine break for you.

It’s time to start planning the spring window boxes (here’s some inspiration) and summer garden. Soon it will be Memorial Day and around Boston that’s the usual time to do your planting.

Beacon Hill residents start a little earlier as they prepare their gardens for the annual tour on May 20. Here’s a glimpse from the 2008 Hidden Gardens of Beacon Hill Tour.

But everyone would do well to take heed: the growing season is short. Now is the time to plan and prepare. What will you plant this year??

See more photos of the RootsLiving tulip garden.

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